Vibrations Beyond Earth

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Madagascar Agate stone

4-5cm stone


Madagascar Banded Silk Agate is said to increase our own energy levels and to dispel lethargy. It is also believed to help with conjunctivitis, gastric and stomach ulcers, bladder and intestinal problems, lower back problems and the elasticity of veins and blood vessels.


Grounding and balancing stone and one that can help us become more logical, rational and perceptive. It brings to us a sense of reality, helping us to better organize our life, to prioritize those things that are important to us and stop us from worrying about the unimportant things in life. It generally helps us to feel more in control of things. Brings us courage, determination and a sense of inner peace. It eases feelings of anger, frustration, jealousy and envy. It is said to improve our memory and concentration and is a good stone for daydreamers, or those with wandering thoughts, as it helps to bring them back into reality.


Madagascar Banded Silk Agate helps and encourages us to "digest" or "take on board" all of our life's experiences and therefore helps us to develop a sense of spiritual maturity. It helps to remove any unwanted thoughts that may enter our mind while we are meditating and it is also said to protect us from both negative energies and psychic attack. It helps us to better see and understand the eternal cycle of life.

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